Google Chrome Hotkeys

General Chrome Short Keys:

Short keys reduces average time than to use mouse to point at an object on the screen.
Window and Tab Short Keys Short Key Discription
Ctrl + N Open a new window.
Ctrl + Shift + N Open a new window in incognito mode.
Ctrl + T Open a new Tab.
Ctrl + F4 Close the current tab.
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the last tab you have closed.
Ctrl + Tab Switch to the next tab.
Ctrl + Shift + Tab Switch to the previous tab.
Ctrl + 1 to 8 Switch to the tab at the specified position number.
Ctrl + 9 Switch to the last tab.
Ctrl + O, then select file Open a file from your computer in Google Chrome.
Alt + Home Open your home page.
Alt + Left Arrow Open the previous page from history in the current tab.
Alt + Right Arrow Open next page from history in the current tab.
Press Ctrl and then click a link Open link in a new tab.
Ctrl + Shift and then click a linkOpen link in new tab and jump to it.
Press Shift and then click a link Open link in new window.
Features Short keys
Alt + F Open Chrome menu.
Ctrl + Shift + B Show or hide bookmarks bar.
Ctrl + Shift + O Open bookmarks manager.
Ctrl + H Open history in new tab.
Ctrl + J Open downloads page in new tab.
Shift + Esc Open Chrome task manager.
Ctrl + F or F3 Open the find bar to search the current page.
Ctrl + Shift + Delete Open the clear browsing data options.
F1 Open the help center in new tab.
Address bar Short keys
Ctrl + L or Alt + D or F6Jump to the address bar.
Type a site name + Ctrl + EnterAdd www. and .com to a site and open it in the current window or tab.
Type a search name + Alt + EnterOpen a new tab and perform google search.
Web page Short keys
Ctrl + POpen options to print the current page.
Ctrl + SOpen options to save the current page.
Ctrl + R or F5Reload the current page.
EscStop reloading the current page.
TabBrowse clickable items moving forward.
Shift + TabBrowse clickable items moving backward.
Ctrl + DSave current page as bookmark.
Ctrl + Shift + DSave all open tabs as bookmarks in a new folder.
F11Turn full screen mode on or off.
Ctrl and +Zoom in page.
Ctrl and -Zoom out page.
Ctrl + 0Reset page to default size.
Space or Page DownScroll down a web page, a screen at a time.
Shift + Space or Shift + Page UpScroll up a web page, a screen at a time.
HomeGoto top of the page.
EndGoto to the bottom of the page.
Shift + Scroll your mouse wheelScroll horizontally on page.
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